Restless energy may find you fidgeting as you sit impatiently around your home today. It may seem that your energy is not in alignment with the universe, but there is a reason for everything. It may be that there is work to attend to at home that you have been overlooking. In our urge to go outside into the world, sometimes we neglect our homes. But our homes are the physical representations of our inner selves, so a home in disarray can be a sign of a disorderly mind. Likewise, you can create inner balance by working on outer harmony, since our homes reflect back to us who we are and who we would like to be. Today may be the perfect day to invest your energy into the care and maintenance of your home.

We may need to look at our home from a different perspective to see what needs to be done. If we imagine showing our home to someone whose opinion we admire, we may begin to see the small flaws that have become invisible to us. We can ask ourselves if this is how we want to be seen by others, especially those we admire. Imagining other homes we\'ve seen, we can consider what impresses us about certain homes and what makes us feel uncomfortable at others. Using this is as our guide, we can put our restless energy to use by taking even small steps to make our home reflect our highest expectations. By investing your energy into your home today, you invest in self-improvement.