You could feel open-minded, which may make it easier for you to see both sides of an issue today. Understanding that there is always another perspective might be a way for you to create harmony in your life and in the lives of those around you. If you can recognize that while your ears may hear or your eyes may read about an issue today, it is your heart that responds to it, you could notice that most people have the desire to see their goals to fruition. By finding a middle ground based on love and understanding, you encourage others to become more receptive to ideas they may not have considered before, and also help them to see that synthesis of opposing ideas often makes for stronger and more lasting solutions.

Finding the balance between conflicting sides makes us more tolerant of alternate ways of perceiving a situation and leads us toward creating a greater sense of understanding between members of our community. Remaining open to things with which we don't agree allows us to see that there is always a different – and often viable – resolution to a situation. We then begin to recognize that it is in being receptive that we are able to deepen our awareness of the world and work toward ideas that are infused with positive energy. As your perception of the issues that surround you expands today, you will also broaden your ability to identify with others and to create a more harmonious and agreeable world.