Today, your fiery sensibilities may be tempered with reason. You may find yourself concentrating more on being fair-minded and communicating that sense of fair play accurately when discussing business with others. This could come from something you've learned about a past situation, in which you may have allowed your passion to lead the way and in the process gave little thought to the reactions and feelings of others involved. This is easy to do, but by balancing your fervor with sensibility, you can allow those around you to feel involved and move forward as a cohesive team. Today by mixing reason into the formula that fuels your passionate drive, you can reach greater heights of success.

We may have had experiences working with others in which the grand plan was kept from us and only the pieces that related directly to our job were given to us. This may have left you feeling resentful if you couldn't see the reason behind it. We know it is counter-productive to have members on our team feeling resentment toward us, their leaders, or their common goal, therefore we must be sensitive to the emotions of those who work with us. Rather than having energy drained from our goals due to misunderstanding, we can do our best to ensure a united forward momentum where everyone feels involved and can enjoy common successes. Today by being both sensible and sensitive to the motivational needs of those on your team, you can gain greater support for the creation of your dreams.