You may feel the need to return the favors you have received from others today. It might be that this desire to give to others is due to your feelings of deep appreciation for all the help and support you have received from them in the past. By finding some way to demonstrate your gratitude in a sincere and heartfelt manner today, such as through seva, or selfless service, you could show the depth of your feelings. Perhaps you can first reflect on what you have received from the people in your life. You might then consider bringing your attention to your heart center. As you breathe into this area, you could ask your inner self what you can do that will illustrate your gratitude. Asking your heart how you can serve may help you discover a means to do so with a pure intention.

Understanding the sincere intent of our hearts allows us to truly serve others selflessly. Sometimes when we feel the need to demonstrate our gratitude we might do so to subconsciously balance our scorecard with other people. Knowing what our hearts really want us to do, however, ensures that we are engaged in service out of a deeper calling and not simply out of our need to make things even. We give for the true act of giving, and people can see that we are serving from our hearts and not for any other reason. By engaging in seva today, you will show the genuine depth of your appreciation in a way that is pure and true.