Your desire to accept and understand other beliefs could make you feel like sharing this tolerance with others today, for it may be that you are inspired by the people you know who have embraced the universality in all of us and brought people closer together. Perhaps this would be a good time to work with people who have different beliefs and try to see the common ground that exists among you. While it can be easy to preach about your beliefs, you may wish instead to listen to what others say about what inspires them. As you listen, you can use your heart to open up to them, which could help you to better understand what lies at the core of their own convictions. You may find that your heart leads you to the ideas that bind you to others.

Sharing our beliefs can be a powerful way to connect with others when we use our hearts as a guide. Being able to accept what other people hold dear is often an intellectual exercise for many of us, which can lead to our being less than tolerant of ideas that conflict with our own deeply held principles. By opening up to what exists in your heart today, however, you will see more clearly the basic beliefs that are universal, such as love, honesty, and hope. You also will inspire others through your own awareness and demonstration that there are more similarities than differences for most of us.