You may be feeling awkward today as you enter into an unknown social situation. Self-consciousness may make you feel uncomfortable as you move through the crowd, not quite sure of how you ought to behave. The key may be in not trying to be anything or anyone that you are not; instead, know that you are there for a reason and seeking it with sincerity. By embracing your light and being willing to shine it in any circumstance, you give others the opportunity to see you for who you are. The ones that appreciate you will come to you, while the others are not people you would want to be with anyway, so you can let them go their own way. When you don't try to hide your true feelings and honestly experience the situation you find yourself involved in, you make the most of an opportunity to discover something new.

One way to to get over feelings of awkwardness and discomfort is to make eye contact with people. In that instant, all else is stripped away, and we are only who we are. We remember that we are all just people, making our way through life the best we can. People who act with the most confidence may be merely covering up their insecurity. By being honest, we save our energy to be used more wisely. By meeting the challenge of a new situation with the truth of your feelings today, you find the confidence you thought you lacked and can be comfortable within yourself anywhere.