Having a full schedule may leave you feeling drained and exhausted today. You may find that as more responsibilities call out for your attention, you are inclined to step back from them in order to restore yourself. A desire to be alone could inspire you to take the day or evening off in order to enjoy solitude. When you are alone, it may be easier for you to relax and unwind because there are no distractions to keep you from tuning in to yourself and listening for what you need. If your home's atmosphere is not conducive to you experiencing solitude, consider retreating to a public park or library where you can sit and enjoy your company. Today can be a great time to engage in creative pursuits like writing or drawing.

Solitude is a gift you can give yourself to restore your energy and reconnect with your inner self. It is only when we find a balance between spending time with our inner self and the world that we can achieve personal harmony. Solitude brings comfort to the soul and helps you experience peace. When you are alone, it is easier to let go of the need to be in control or constantly alert. You can hear your deepest thoughts clearly when you are alone because your inner voice isn't being drowned out by the noises of the world. Spend time by yourself today, and you will feel rejuvenated, creative, and ready to face the world tomorrow.