You may feel festive today and have a desire to interact with friends in competitive games or intellectual debates. While your good-natured mood is likely to keep your attitude light, you may want to devote some extra attention to being sure you don't get too immersed in fierce competition. Rather than pinning your level of enjoyment on whether you win or lose, you can simply focus on enjoying the games themselves and interacting pleasantly with like-minded people. Remembering that a large benefit of competition is the opportunity to strengthen your own abilities, you can also focus on honing your skills and sharpening your reflexes today, which will also be beneficial to you in the long run.

By keeping our attitude light and friendly while engaging in competitive games with others, we are able to embrace the true spirit of competition and use it to better ourselves. Though our competitive activities with others often start out friendly, we may become attached to the idea of being the victor and allow our enjoyment of the game to fade into the background. If we instead choose to see competition as a valuable opportunity to test our skills and strengthen our abilities against worthwhile opponents, we will be able to detach from any emotional need to defeat others. We are then able to fully enjoy our activities and better ourselves in the process. If you focus on keeping a lighthearted attitude in your competitive activities today, you will be honoring the true spirit of competition and enhancing your skills at the same time.