You may feel that you are winning in everything you do today, which could be due to your successes at work or at play. This feeling of being able to accomplish anything might be the result of an increased confidence in your ability to reach your goals. Today would be a good time to use this momentum to continue to set realistic objectives for yourself. You might want to think about what targets you can create for your life that you can easily attain. As you go about your day, you may want to imagine that you are in a competition and that it doesn't matter if you win or lose; what matters is that you have played the game. You could notice that thinking in this way helps you remain on track and bolsters your unbeatable spirit.

Thinking of the successes that are within reach in our lives allows us to achieve the objectives we set for ourselves. We can easily become discouraged by the fact that not everything goes our way. But when we recognize that ultimately everything we do is a success because experience always points us in the direction we need to go, we are able to conquer our fears of failure. By viewing life in this way, as a game, we learn that we don't have to take outcomes so seriously--success is a process of letting go and enjoying the experience. Imagining yourself as a winner today will give you the motivation and positive frame of mind to reach the goals you set.