A strong need to think about life and your place in the universe can come over you suddenly today, distracting you from your original purpose. You may thus be inspired by your feelings to put aside your day's duties in order to lose yourself in introspective activities that allow you to further mull over the broad questions running through your mind. Your first impulse may be to search your childhood memories for clues as to how you developed into the person you are today. If you indulge this whim, you may discover a cache of long-lost emotional baggage that is still exercising its power over you. Your thoughtfulness, however, can empower you to do away with this source of influence.

When we understand not only who we are but also acknowledge the forces that molded us into the individuals we have become in the present, we gain a more thorough picture of where we are headed. There is a root from which our lives have branched and, though this aspect of ourselves is hidden beneath many layers of experience, this root still has the power to influence us. When we actively search for it, we begin to see the patterns that have caused us to veer one way or another when presented with life-altering choices. As our understanding grows, we are no longer bound to blindly follow the dictates of our pasts but can begin a new, more independent chapter of our lives. Today, your investigation of your childhood memories will serve to liberate you from lingering baggage.