You may find yourself making rash and impulsive decisions today because you are attracted to those choices that appear to be entirely without drawbacks. Yet you may quickly find that the options that initially looked most promising are actually quite bare where potential is concerned. To avoid being seduced by your emotions, try to draw upon the powers of your rational mind when making any important choices. Even if you are still drawn to unwise options today, the logic with which you analyze your alternatives can help you overcome your emotional bias so that you can zero in on those options that will most enrich your life in the present and in the future.

While our emotional responses to the alternatives before us can play an important role in the decision-making process, our logical minds are better equipped to judge between options that seem similar on the surface. When we are intensely drawn to a particular alternative, we can ensure that we make life-enriching choices by analyzing each of the possibilities in a rational way. We may discover that an option that seemed upon first glance to be the best of the lot will actually lead to heartache in the not too distant future. Likewise, an alternative that looked at first to be mundane and not particularly gratifying can turn out to be the one with the most rewarding potential in the long term. You can eliminate your compulsive leanings today by relying on your logical mind when called upon to make decisions.