Your speech and actions will likely be marked by gentleness today that is indicative of the heightened sensitivity you may be feeling. When interacting with others, you may have little trouble distinguishing those individuals who are suffering silently from physical or emotional pain. Since you can identify people in need of support and aid, you may feel compelled to seek out a means of easing the hurt and solving the problems of everyone you encounter. Your kind tenderness can give you the patience and strength you need to guide others toward healing. You may discover today that you can easily visualize yourself in someone else's shoes and thus determine how you can assist them as they work toward recovery.

In cultivating our capacity to put ourselves in another's place, we gain the ability to respond to others' pain in a truly sensitive fashion. There is a certain grade of tenderness that can only be achieved through empathy. To understand the plight of another requires that we are able to imagine ourselves struggling through similar circumstances or to view the world from the perspective of individuals who have backgrounds entirely different from our own. We needn't guess as to the nature of their suffering because we can visualize it clearly in our mind's eye. Our concern for their welfare is then quite direct and tailored to their emotional reactions instead of our own. The gentle sensitivity with which you approach those in pain today will help you give them the aid they require.