The decisions that present themselves to you today may seem to require immediate resolution. While you may be tempted to think and act quickly so as to attain rapid gratification, it is likely that the quandary before you is more complex than you might imagine. You will likely derive a more potent sense of fulfillment from your choices when you give yourself plenty of time to mull over your options. If you feel driven by your impulses to zero in on one alternative today, ask yourself why. You may be surprised to discover that you are allowing either your emotions or your rational mind to guide you when a balanced approach is likely the best course.

Patience can serve us well in a variety of circumstances, even when we are resistant to the idea of waiting or thinking our options through. The decisions we are faced with throughout our lives will generally provide us with ample time to consider all the alternatives before us. Though some of the choices we are called upon to make may seem to demand our immediate attention, most will remain static while we mull them over. Our impulses can sometimes give us a new insight into what we hope to achieve, yet they tend to be most useful when coupled with patience and thoughtfulness. The more factors we take into account, the better equipped we are to recognize those choices with the potential to improve our lives. When you disregard your impatience in order to think carefully at crossroads today, you will never steer yourself wrong.