October 25, 2016
Trusting People
Capricorn Daily Horoscope

You may approach others with caution today and wonder whether they may be hiding something from you. Doubts about people's intentions could lead you to observe them closely. Although you want people to be authentic and honest with you, you may have a difficult time recognizing these traits in others because of your skepticism. Your fear that others are being dishonest with you could become a self-fulfilling prophesy. It may be better to assume that people have the best of intentions until proven otherwise. Giving others the benefit of the doubt today may quell your suspicions and allow you to accept people as they are.

Trusting people is a simple way to feel good about your interactions with others and to help yourself see the world as a better place. When we are suspicious of people's motives from the moment we encounter them, it becomes difficult to open up or work with them on a shared goal. Holding to the notion that the people you meet are as earnest as you are allows you to be yourself and relate to them naturally. Each new person you encounter represents another opportunity to make a friend. Putting your guard up prevents you from being intimate with others. If you can trust that you have sound judgment and will know who to approach and who to stay away from, you can be open with the people that you choose to bring into your life. Putting your faith in others today will empower you to see people as honest and look upon your interactions with optimism and openness.
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Protect Yourself from Control Dramas
by Dr. Jody Janati

Got Conflict? Dr. Jody Janati will help you identify and protect yourself from common control dramas that arise when individuals become defensive. Once you are able to recognize the behaviors that surface during defensive reactions, you will learn over 101 ways to constructively respond during difficult interactions. The goal of this course is to help you set healthy boundaries with others and ultimately find your, "Conversation Peace." Most people have come to accept that conflict is inevitable, but what they may not realize is most of us use control dramas to essentially "get our way with others" to gain attention and power. We get our way with others by making them pay attention to us and then elicit a certain reaction from them to make ourselves feel fulfilled. The positive feelings we gain are won at the expense of the other person and this often causes imbalance and drama in our interpersonal relationships. In this course you'll learn about common control dramas and how to negate them through step by step applied approaches that really work.

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Today's Horoscope

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Aries - Recent tension in your life or the aftermath of a challenging situation could leave you feeling high-strung today. You may fe... more

Cancer - A serious mind-set can cause you to spurn purely recreational amusements in order to focus the whole of your attention on tho... more

Capricorn - You may approach others with caution today and wonder whether they may be hiding something from you. Doubts about people's in... more

Gemini - Your spirit may be awash in feelings of comfort and tranquility today. You are likely in a peaceful mood and drawn to the man... more

Leo - A mood of uncertainty and indecision can cloud your thoughts today, preventing you from acting decisively in your home or wor... more

Libra - A desire to reflect on your life, past, and identity may come over you today. You may feel introspective or meditative and be... more

Pisces - You may have a strong desire to gather people you are close to around you today. Your affectionate feelings could lead you to... more

Sagittarius - Your thoughtfulness could heighten your awareness today of how your actions and choices in the present could affect your futu... more

Scorpio - You may feel highly motivated today and excited about your prospects for the future. Whereas once you might have stared into ... more

Taurus - Casual games and workplace projects can inflame your competitiveness today, causing you to engage with others in an adversari... more

Virgo - Your thought processes may be profoundly ethereal today and concerned mainly with what relates to the soul. Consequently, you... more

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