You may feel particularly resourceful and clever today. Difficulties in your personal and professional spheres that might have once frustrated you can seem elementary and simplistic. You'll likely feel accomplished as you discover new ways of utilizing the resources you possess to address challenges that arise. You may find an unexpected use for a tool, or you may determine that you can once again access knowledge you once thought lost in the twists and turns of your mind. This can be a perfect day to step back from your obligations and the pursuit of your goals in order to assess the extent of your material and mental resources. You may begin to comprehend the full scope of the abundance you have been granted by the universe today.

Becoming truly resourceful is simply a matter of understanding your blessings and using the gifts the universe has bestowed upon you to the best of your ability. Many people find making do with what they have difficult and pursue the acquisition of material or social gains. However, our lives are often so full that the tools we need to achieve our goals are already within our arsenal of resource supplies. As you examine your blessings, you'll come to realize that you are truly fortunate and already well-equipped to follow your dreams. Cleverness will be your watchword as you strive to find fulfillment using your wits and the talents with which you were born. You'll make full use of your resources today as you learn to use your abundance in novel ways.