You will likely see more than you consciously realize today, but the information you absorb may not be entirely lost on you. As your awareness grows more keen, the patterns that to some extent dictate how matters will unfold in your environment may reveal themselves to you, empowering you to make informed and thoughtful choices. You can use this developing astuteness to your advantage today by tapping in to it when you need to make decisions or interact with challenging individuals. Because you can understand the subtle nuances of your surroundings, your judgment will likely be spot on in even the most complex circumstances.

Good judgment may not always lead us to the conclusions we hope to reach because our expectations are so frequently based on emotion rather than logic. As astute as we are, we need to attune our awareness to the rigors of reality if our goal is to think sensibly about the circumstances unfolding all around us. Our awareness is a tool we can employ at will, and it is up to us to decide when it can help us in the pursuit of our purpose. The more we know about the contingencies that can potentially interfere with our progress, the faster we can take steps to prepare ourselves to meet them. We may not want to face these eventualities, but our preparedness will help us come to the right decisions. You can guarantee your good judgment today by opening your eyes to the truth of your current circumstances even though that truth may pain you.