You may enjoy a deeper understanding of others today. Your tolerance of differing cultural or spiritual beliefs could be strong, which might help you relate to others on a more meaningful level. You may find it beneficial to engage in a cleansing and purification of your mind and heart today to help you release limiting beliefs and prejudices. In a period of calming meditation, imagine opening your mind and heart to invite a flow of soft-violet energy. See this energy flowing first into your heart, washing away all bitterness and pain and healing your ability to trust and love others. Then imagine this violet light traveling up into your mind and washing away all fears, blockages, and rigid beliefs. Feel it expanding your awareness and lifting your consciousness to be closer to divine wisdom.

Releasing our old, limiting beliefs can open our minds to spiritual enlightenment and foster a deeper sense of interconnectedness with others. Though many of our preconceptions can be dissolved with the knowledge we gain from our life experiences, we can also take a more active role in opening our minds to enlightenment. By consciously letting go of prejudice and false beliefs, we are able to lift our thoughts higher and open our spiritual awareness. By doing this we are able to look beyond our differences and instead focus more on the spiritual thread of unity and love connecting all of us. Consciously washing away your preconceptions today can open your mind and strengthen your sense of interconnectedness with others.