As you look around you today at the seemingly vast wealth or blessings of others, your self-confidence may falter. Your examination may result in feelings of insecurity or inadequacy, especially if you judge your value against material objects or status symbols. It can help you to remember that what is outside of you has little bearing on the true value of what resides within you. Try to avoid comparing yourself to others or looking at visible accomplishments as a reflection of your personal worth. Instead, look inward and derive your worth from the goodness you see in your soul. It may be helpful to keep in mind today that when you focus only on what is visible or tangible, you miss the beauty that lies within each of us.

Remembering that the true value of one's self comes from within can help you develop a sense of self-worth that transcends outside influences. When your self-worth comes from internal truths rather than temporary, external conditions, there is no need to look toward other people or possessions to determine your value. No external force can change how you see yourself when your sense of self comes from the perfection of your soul. Delve into your heart and mind to discover who you truly are. By focusing on your inner value today, you won't be tempted to compare yourself to others.