You may choose to put aside your own concerns in order to focus on the affairs of your loved ones today. As you go about addressing the needs of the people you care about, you will likely be struck by the revelation that you have grown more mature. If you feel inclined to dismiss this notion out of hand, consider that your focus on the welfare of your loved ones may be indicative of a change occurring within you. You may consequently be inspired to give yourself over completely to the care of the important people in your life today. However, try to remember that you also have needs that must be fulfilled.

We prove to ourselves and the universe that we have reached a high level of maturity when we make the well-being of our loved ones a top priority in our lives while still taking the time to care for ourselves. Since we recognize that we have a responsibility to the people important to us, we are more than willing to sacrifice our own concerns to see that their needs are met. Yet we also recognize that we have to care for our bodies, minds, and souls in order to effectively care for others. Little gladdens our hearts more than witnessing the growth of friends and family, and we know that we are free to revel in this gladness because we have taken steps to ensure that we ourselves are healthy and happy. The responsibility you exhibit today while caring for loved ones will be a testament to your growing maturity.