Your duties at work might make you feel uneasy today. Thoughts about your working day could encroach upon the rest of your activities, and it could be difficult for you to relax and leave your work behind. Realizing that your work doesn't define who you are and that there is little that is essential to your existence can help assuage your concerns and may even enable you to develop a greater peace of mind. Should you begin to feel stress or tension related to your work today, you may want to reflect on the overall meaning of your work. If you can see that ultimately it is not your work but how present you are in your life and to your loved ones that is important, you might find it easier to release the worry you have about the small things in life and instead free yourself up to fully partake in the parts of life that have the most value for you.

Understanding how our thoughts about work influence us allows us to consider what we most cherish in our lives. Since so much of our day is spent at work it is easy for us to become engrossed in our responsibilities. Taking the time to think about the purpose of your occupation and where that will lead you in your life today, however, will ease your tension by helping you see that your life is extremely rich and has many dimensions and that your work duties are just a small part of the big picture.