Word as Bond

Capricorn Horoscope

November 25, 2016

You may feel an intense need to prove that you can be depended upon in good times and in bad today. Whether your focus is fixated on personal or professional obligations, you will likely find yourself abiding not only by the letter of your promises but also by their spirit. You may judge your assertion that you will handle a one-time duty as a vow to devote your time, effort, creativity, and ingenuity to the task at hand. Today can be the perfect day to consider whether you have any pending obligations to carry out. If you discover that you have left a promise unfulfilled, take a moment to assess whether you have the means on hand to rectify your tardy execution of loyalty.

In treating our word as our bond, we demonstrate to the world that we are willing to honor the vows we make and can be relied upon to handle challenging missions with poise. Our dedication to truth and duty must go beyond the everyday boundaries that guide most people's behavior in order to make a positive impression. Our unflagging dependability and commitment to constancy ensures that the people in the various spheres of our lives never doubt that they can depend on us in times of need. Likewise, we need not question our ability to fulfill the goals we have set for ourselves, aware as we are that we take our outward and inward pledges very seriously. When you think and act dependably today, your loyalties and honorable behavior will be visible for the world to see.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Himalayan Wisdom for a Life Beyond Fear
by Anand Mehrotra

Have you ever been excited and at the same time totally afraid? Has that fear held you back from living your life fully, totally? In this series, we will share with you seven deep wisdoms as taught by Anand and captured through in-depth, never before released footage from the award-winning documentary The Highest Pass and the soon-to-be-released TV series The Four Sacred Peaks. In addition to the breathtaking scenery, you'll experience Anand's unique ability to encourage those around him to rise up, to meet our true selves, and to realize our fullest potentials. Each lesson stands on it's own and can be revisited anytime. Not all of us can take the time or resources to travel to India for three weeks, but now you can be guided by a master as if you were there. And in time, we soon become the wisdom. Does fear still exist? Of course, but we learn to have more love than fear. To know how to rise above.

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