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Join us for an intensive course focusing on the Medicare regulatory requirements for patients and more!

Are you looking for in-depth clinical documentation training and want to take CDI discussion to the next level? Do you want to go beyond quoting buzzwords and endless querying physicians so you can capture the correct CCs/MCCs? If you do, the Clinical Validation in CDI Boot Camp is for you. It will elevate your CDI knowledge so your discourse with physicians moves from querying to collaboration.

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June 20-22, 2022

More dates also available!

Our curriculum uses a “how to” approach allowing you to learn how to apply CDI concepts that you can then customize to your organizational needs.


Leave this course learning how to:

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Increase your understanding of key pathophysiological concepts

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Improve the quality of clinical indicators used when you query

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Cultivate critical thinking skills for use with data involving complex clinical concepts


Additional formats available for this Boot Camp

Take advantage of this Boot Camp being offered in flexible formats, so you can secure the necessary education you need in the environment you learn best in: