A systems engineering approach to data engineering at the Smart Metrology Campus
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IEEE Computer Society: Career Accelerator

JULY 2024

Smart Cities

Entire urban areas connected by technology to run efficiently through our limited resources. With our global need to become more sustainable, technologist have taken up the challenge of developing a new way of building cities. 


Building trustworthy smart cities: a systems engineering approach to data engineering at the Smart Metrology Campus

This paper introduces the concept of a Smart Metrology Campus, with its primary objective being to facilitate reliable data science in the realm of smart cities.


What Can Requirements Engineering Do for Emerging System of Systems? Case of Smart Local Energy

As software solutions permeate the whole spectrum of human activities, many software systems previously developed to address specific issues suddenly find themselves becoming parts of interlinked and inter-dependent complex systems. This paper discusses a case study of such emergent convergence of software-rich socio-technical systems into an interconnected and integrated energy system-of-systems and outlines some areas where the Requirements Engineering discipline can help guide such a transition. 


We Need a “Building Inspector for IoT” When Smart Homes Are Sold

Internet of Things (IoT) devices left behind when a home is sold create security and privacy concerns for both prior and new residents. We envision a specialized “building inspector for IoT” to help securely facilitate transfer of the home.

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Exclusive Offer for Career Accelerator Subscribers

We are pleased to provide you a 50% discount on registration for the IEEE SustainTech Leadership Forum on 27-28 August 2024, at the Hilton Bayfront in San Diego, CA, USA.

Use the code ST24_CS1 at checkout


Evaluating ChatGPT for Smart Contracts Vulnerability Correction

Evaluating ChatGPT for Smart Contracts Vulnerability Correction

Emanuele Antonio Napoli, from the Politecnico di Torino in Italy, asked ChatGPT to fix 143 smart contracts with well-known labeled vulnerabilities. Here’s what was found.

Towards Examining The Security Cost of Inexpensive Smart Home IoT Devices

Towards Examining The Security Cost of Inexpensive Smart Home IoT Devices

These authors from the Florida Institute of Technology argue that the consumer demand for inexpensive IoT has led to a supply of grossly insecure devices.

More Resources

The Technical Community on Services Computing

Services Computing has been recognized as an important science and engineering discipline that aims to advance the technologies required for innovatively bridging the gap between users and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructures. Join the community to find connections and opportunities in the field. 

SE Radio Podcast

Episode 617: Frances Buontempo on Modern C++

Frances Buontempo, author of the new book Learn C++ by Example, discusses the C++ programming language, a widely used general-purpose programming language. Host Philip Winston speaks with Buontempo about where C++ fits into the landscape of existing programming languages and how recent C++ standards have changed things. 

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