Plus, America's obsession with self-help, and more...

July 2, 2021
Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald’s Shameless Marriage of Convenience
The Fox News hatemonger and the rage-tweeting muckraker are pushing an NSA “scandal” without evidence—the latest fruits of a cynical partnership built on mutual self-interest.
by Jacob Silverman


Blame the city’s corrupt and incompetent Board of Elections instead.
by Alex Shephard
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Our writers and editors are fighting for a fairer world—but they need your help. Here’s a special summer offer to subscribe to The New Republic.
—Ryan Kearney, executive editor
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A prolific seller of “all-natural” pills was shut down by the FDA. So why can you still buy Stiff Nights all over the place?

by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling
From “The Old Farmer’s Almanac” to “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” what do bestselling guides to self-improvement reveal about the United States?
by Chris Lehmann
For people with compromised immune systems, “long Covid,” and other disabilities, the pandemic doesn’t end with vaccination.
by Laura Weiss
Helen Scales’s fascinating book about life in the deepest parts of the ocean carries a powerful warning.
by Jo Livingstone
Summer Sale: 50% off fearless reporting. 1 year for $10
