Learn more about how distributed energy is driving new ways of doing business for New York's utilities at New York REV Future, September 27-28, 2016 in Brooklyn, NY.
Learn more about how distributed energy is driving new ways of doing business for New York's utilities at New York REV Future, September 27-28, 2016 in Brooklyn, NY.
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WeatherBug Home will present a case study from National Grid’s New England energy efficiency and demand response projects.
Consolidated Edison and Silver Spring Networks will discuss the convergence of smart cities and IoT with the smart grid. Join us for two full days of data-intensive presentations, analyst-led panel sessions with industry leaders, and extensive high level networking.
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New York utilities will spend hundreds of millions over the next five years to prepare for a distributed energy future. Register today to hear from leading policy makers, innovators and DER providers, and join the only conference focused on actionable business strategies aimed at operationalizing the ongoing initiative for a clean, resilient and affordable system in New York.

Questions? Contact gtmevents@greentechmedia.com
New York REV Future 2016 Initial Sponsors Include:
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