Whenever we find information that we think will be of interest to you, we pass it along right away. And we know you’ll want to hear this from one of our colleagues, InvestorPlace.

Dear Derek,

“Cash holders are about to get hit hard.”

That’s the latest message from Wall Street legend, Louis Navellier.

Mr. Navellier is worth listening to. He has an impressive track record of helping ordinary Americans avoid big financial disasters, like the infamous Black Monday crash in 1987 and the Dotcom crash in 2000.

He’s one of the few advisors who told people to sell Enron in 2001 – months before it went to zero.

What’s coming next, he says, will be different than anything we’ve seen before.

Different than a full-on market crash… a currency collapse… or even high levels of inflation.

Many Americans STILL aren't taking the steps necessary to prepare themselves.

That’s why he put together this video free for public view. In it, he lays out exactly what is happening, including several key steps every American should take right now. 

Click here to view it.


Brian Hunt
CEO, InvestorPlace

P.S. The more people who understand what’s happening right now, and can position themselves properly, the better off we’ll all be. Mr. Navellier’s video is free to watch and by doing so I know you’ll be ahead of everyone else struggling to understand what is really going on. Click here to view it.


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