June healthy living course selections for a healthy summer body! Booty Core, HIIT Yoga Fusion, and Ayurvedic care are just some of this month's offerings

Dear Friends,

Welcome to June!

For those of us who have to work for a living, June can become just another month. For me, I now have to juggle a summer camp schedule for my son along with getting to the office and continuing promotion of my book. But something shifts when summer hits, making it all doable. There is new revitalized energy in the air, and I never fail to catch summer fever. Luckily summer fever is a good thing unlike the awful flu that hit over the winter months.

Our focus this month is healthy living in regard to our physical body. Most of us start to think about shorts and bathing suits as soon as the sun appears. Yes, we all want to look good when more of our body is exposed, but we also want to feel healthy and strong. The older I get the more I realize that having a strong body and a strong core with healthy joints is more important to me. I know I can have both a fit body and one that can carry me through the years.

I have selected five of our online course offerings to help you get your body in shape and strong--for bathing suit weather or not. All courses are yours to keep and can be worked at your own pace. For those of you that haven't taken a course in a long time, we have changed the way we offer them: All courses can be opened when YOU are ready, rather than waiting for the next lesson to be ready.

21-Day Booty Core by Beth Alexander. Beth is a local to DailyOM, and we can assure you that she has a great booty! This course offers 21 lessons spanning three weeks (a new 30-minute lesson each day for three weeks). It includes workouts, recipes, daily affirmations, and more. I was joking in a meeting the other day that back when I was a teenager we all wanted small butts, but now everybody wants a big butt! Beth not only works on your glutes but also focuses on getting strong abs as well.

Heal Subconscious Blocks to Weight Loss by Sandy Zeldes. Receive one lesson per week for eight weeks. This course gives you nutrition, lifestyle, and energy clearing tools to make weight loss easier to achieve. If you have tried diets and they failed, or if you struggle with cravings, this course is for you.

HIIT Yoga Fusion by Sadie Nardini. Our DailyOM friend Sadie has a hit course with this HIIT course! Receive a new lesson every day for three weeks totaling 21 lessons. This is a fun and energetic course, and Sadie has great modifications for those that suffer with joint issues. This course has it all, and you can read more about it here.

Sacred Self-Care and Ayurvedic Nutrition by Sahara Rose. This is a nine-week online course where you will receive a new course each week. Learn about Ayurvedic nutrition and self-care. Take the body-type quiz and learn what dosha you are and how to eat for your body type. Recipes and such body-care instruction as dry-brushing and oil massage are also included. Detox your body, heal your digestion, balance your hormones, and more.

Change Your Life with Energy Medicine Yoga by Lauren Walker. Receive a new course every week for eight weeks. This course will teach you what energy is and how it relates to you in your own life. Learn how to build your own energy-medicine-yoga home practice, detoxify, stop a cold in its tracks, and so much more. This is truly a unique yoga experience.

There we have it, friends--five amazing online courses to get us into the best shape possible. Thank you, everybody, for continuing to read DailyOM. We love hearing about how it has changed your life.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor