Dear John,

“How you think determines what you acquire.”


Your thinking determines the things, feelings, thoughts, results, etc, that you acquire. It’s true, we can acquire things that benefit us or hold us back.

Next time you have a thought — pause for a second and evaluate the thought.

What is the CAUSE of the thought:

  • Faith or Fear?
  • Gratitude or Entitlement?
  • Generosity or Greed?
  • Hope or Despair?

Then, look into the future and ask - what will be the effect of the thought?

Will the thought take me closer to, or further from, my Purpose, Why, Dream, or Goal?

Are you a Lemon or a Lemonade person?

Lemon people always have things happening to them, never get a break, and always have reasons why things go wrong and believe life and the world is against them.

Lemonade people believe that things happen for them, that the hardest lessons create the biggest growth, and that opportunities reveal themselves in piles of work.

Now imagine a group of 10 well connected friends. If one of the friends has a huge opportunity open up - will that friend share the opportunity with everyone equally, or will they hesitate about sharing it with any Lemon thinkers in the group?

Pretty obvious isn’t it!

How you think determines what you acquire!

It is simply cause and effect.

Choose To Win!



Ziglar, Inc., 2140 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite L702 Southlake, Texas 76092 United States 1 (800) 527-0306