Media Winners & Losers

Neil Cavuto

Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto abruptly cut away from a Trump campaign press conference led by Kayleigh McEnany Monday afternoon.

The White House Press Secretary was speaking in her dual role as campaign spokesperson and was addressing President Donald Trump’s continued efforts to refuse conceding the election, after news outlets projected he has lost.

"You don’t oppose our effort at sunlight at transparency because you have nothing to hide. You take these positions because you are a welcoming fraud and you are welcoming illegal voting,” said McEnany on Monday.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, I just think we have to be very clear that she’s charging the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting, unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this,” said Cavuto as he had the live feed cut.

It's a win not just for the counter-expectation of Cavuto cutting off the Trump campaign, but for the splash that it made. The moment rocketed across social media, earning not just thousands of shares but gobs of credit from other journalists and media-watchers. (If not colleagues.)

As a move for being truthful with the audience, Cavuto cutting away from McEnany was laudable. But as a PR move? It was a total win.

Jon Meacham

Yesterday it was revealed in a New York Times article that presidential historian and MSNBC contributor Jon Meacham has been speechwriting for Joe Biden without disclosing that fact to viewers.

Meacham, a former editor in chief of Newsweek, appeared on the network at least three times over the weekend after the election was called for Biden. In appearances with anchors Nicolle Wallace and Brian Williams, he was asked specifically to react to the speech — during which commentary he failed to disclose that he had, in fact, played a key role in writing it.

As of Monday, Meacham is no longer a paid contributor with the network, but will continue as an unpaid commentator, according to the story. It's almost a given that he was dragged extensively on Twitter, as was the network itself, particularly from the right, who see it as confirmation of bias.

During a Tuesday appearance on Newsmax, Mediaite founding editor Colby Hall said that the whole was "not a good look." 

“They cut to him afterward and he praised it. He said that there was a lot of poetry,” Hall said. “And that’s the sort of the behavior most teenage boys outgrow. It was a stunning sort of moment.”

It wasn't "the worst thing in the world," says Hall in this clip. "But it’s not a good look for MSNBC, NBC News, or even Jon Meacham

Editor's Note: In Monday's Green Room, we listed Fox & Friends for the Media Loser, although the post was actually about Brian Kilmeade specifically. We regret the oversight.

The A-Block

Election Frauds

In the months preceding the 2020 election, President Donald Trump repeatedly insisted that widespread voter fraud would tarnish its results.

Now that he has been projected to lose to Democratic opponent Joe Biden, Trump is making good on expectations that he would challenge the results, dispatching a team of political allies to flood Twitter, Fox News and the parking lot of Four Seasons Total Landscaping with unsubstantiated theories of voter fraud in the states he is closest behind.

A deluge of disinformation has taken up disturbing velocity: anecdotes of potential fraud go viral on Twitter, reach millions on Facebook and are repeated by Fox News hosts days after they have been debunked. Top Republicans like Lindsey Graham have backed the president’s claims, and prominent voices in the party have pushed extreme rhetoric. Newt Gingrich called for police to jail the election workers counting ballots, accusing them of “stealing” the election.

Mediaite Editor in Chief Aidan McLaughlin takes on the claims, state by state, in this comprehensive and surprising look at, and vivisecting of...

The most viral — and absurd — claims in support of Trump’s stolen election conspiracy theory.

‘An Embarrassment’

Speaking of which: In his first press conference since being projected winner of the 2020 election, President-elect Biden called Trump’s refusal to accept the results “an embarrassment” which “won’t help his legacy.”


And speaking of embarrassments: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, at a briefing from the State Department Tuesday, answered a question about his staff's preparation for transition by saying that "there will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration."

The apparent joke did not go over well. Not at all.

Did he win, though?

An MSNBC reporter asked multiple Republican senators about the election results, leaving some speechless after getting put on the spot by the simple question of whether Joe Biden won or not.


Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is seen in a recent video absolutely shredding the Rupert Murdoch media empire over climate change ‘idiocy’ — right to a News Corp editor’s face.

Putting people on lists

CNN host Jake Tapper called out Hari Sevugan — a former spokesman for President Barack Obama — for promoting a revenge list of Trump administration staffers and employees.

You dig?

Speculation abounds as the North Lawn of the White House was extensively dug up days after President Donald Trump lost his reelection bid, and President-elect Joe Biden was declared the winner by most major news organizations.

That event was, itself, characterized by a lawn maintenance theme, as Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani had the news of the loss broken to him as he held a press conference in the parking lot of Philadelphia’s Four Seasons Total Landscaping. Trump himself was surrounded by lush grass when the news broke while he was golfing at his Sterling, Virginia resort.

And on Monday, CNN’s Betsy Klein got DC tongues wagging when she posted photos of the North Lawn’s transformation into the North Dirt Patch...


CNN Legal Analyst Elie Honig talks about whether Trump's legal challenges stand a chance, what to expect next on the latest The Interview

Must See Clip

Walking on Water

A tradition unlike any other. That's how golf fans feel about The Masters. But on Tuesday, one player at Augusta National Golf Club took it to another level, hitting a shot unlike any other.

Jon Rahm was taking part in the longtime Masters early-week ritual  of trying to skip his ball across the pond on the 16th hole. It made it. And then...

And then the (golf) miracle happened.

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Social media is making a bad political situation worse
- Rani Molla, via Vox

After years of railing against the “deep state,” Trump is now trying to build his own.
- Fred Kaplan, via Slate
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