Dear Friend,


Last summer, as the pandemic exposed how deeply unequal our justice and labor systems are, TNR* launched a new section called Sold Short.


As Labor Day approaches, I am reminded of the goals of Sold Short. Every day, our writers—some of the most progressive independent voices in the country—report on the most pressing economic, social, and democratic issues of our time.


But quality reporting comes at a higher cost than what we earn from subscriptions and advertising revenues alone, and that’s why I am asking you to donate to TNR today.


When you support The New Republic, you’re helping journalists uncover crucially important news with stories like:


Jason Linkins’s “The California Recall Election Could Wreck the Country
Molly Osberg’s “Inside the Paranoid, Highly Excitable Ecosystem of the Vaccine Card Black Market
Max B. Sawicky’s “How the Critical Race Theory Scaremongering Failed in Virginia
Michael Tomasky’s “Be Glad Donald Trump Isn’t Running the Show in Afghanistan
Esther Wang’s “Ending Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Is a Cruel Form of Pandemic Amnesia


Your donation provides more than money; it furthers a century of reclaiming the democratic faith amid dangerous, deranging new upheavals in our common world.

We’ll be thrilled with your contribution of $25, $50, $100, or even more. In fact, you’ll receive a free TNR tote bag as our gift to you when you donate $100.


In the meantime, TNR will continue to update you on the issues that count in politics, social justice, climate change, and arts and culture.


Thank you for reading and supporting The New Republic. 




Kerrie Gillis, publisher


*The New Republic is a proud union shop!

Contributions to the Fund for The New Republic are not tax-deductible as charitable donations.
