
May 17, 2024

Dear Friend,

Welcome back to my Week in Review newsletter. Please remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube for regular updates on how I am serving the people of South Carolina!

This week, I led efforts to honor our selfless law enforcement officers during National Police Week and highlight the power of high quality education in students’ lives in recognition of National Charter Schools Week. I also introduced legislation to help vulnerable Americans receive the medical care they need from the comfort and safety of their homes.

2 Thessalonians 3:3

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.”

The Week in Review

Celebrating Great Strides in Education

This week, I introduced a resolution alongside Senator Michael Bennet to celebrate National Charter Schools Week and recognize their contributions to education in the United States! With a background like I had growing up, I came to understand the power of a high quality education. Throughout my time in public service, I have worked to broaden educational opportunities for children, regardless of race, zip code, or background.

More on my resolution here!


Thanking Our Law Enforcement Officers

I joined 75 of my Senate colleagues in introducing a resolution to designate this week as National Police Week. I’ll never waver in my commitment to support law enforcement and their efforts to build safe communities. I am more grateful than ever for the sacrifices of our officers and their families!

Read more about our resolution here!

Expanding Access to High Quality Health Care

I teamed up with Senator Tom Carper and introduced the Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act of 2024. This legislation extends the Centers for Medicare & Medicare Services Acute Hospital Care at Home waiver program for five years. Our efforts to extend this program will ease pressure on our health care system and allow thousands of vulnerable Americans to continue receiving high-quality care from the safety of their homes.

Learn more about this legislation here!

Holding the FDIC Chair Accountable

During the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs hearing this week, I called for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Chairman Marin Gruenberg to resign following reports of sexual harassment and instigating a hostile work environment.

There’s no greater responsibility that we have as public servants to ensure that we represent the interests of the American people, that we do it well, and that we do it with character and integrity. I also requested an additional hearing focused on the FDIC employees' concerns with Chairman Gruenberg's leadership.

Watch my opening remarks here!

In the News

GOP senators blast Biden admin moves in Africa as Russia looks to fill vacuum

With two West African countries in the sprawling Sahel region leaning heavily toward Moscow, telling U.S. forces battling Islamist terror activity to get out and letting Russian mercenary forces in, leading GOP Senators have struck out against the Biden administration’s foreign policy, with one calling it a "disaster."

"President Biden’s foreign policy has been a disaster on every continent, and Africa is no exception," Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., told Fox News Digital.

Read the article in full here!

Sharing the #SCSweetTea

This week, I’m spilling the #SCSweetTea of Erin Watts of Camden High School. Erin, who works at the Camden Chick-Fil-A, was awarded a $25,000 scholarship by Chick-Fil-A CEO Andrew Cathy for her outstanding  work ethic and positive attitude. Erin plans to use the money to attend Clemson in the fall and pursue her dream of becoming a child psychologist. Congratulations, Erin – your future is bright!

This week On Social Meida









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