Ash Wednesday and Carnival time
According to the old song about Carnival time “it’s all over by Ash Wednesday”. But we only have to look to Europe to see that nothing is over. The list of unresolved problems is not getting any shorter. As we approach the end of the legislative period, European legislative proposals are being dealt with in record time in the Trialogue, but whether and how long the compromises will last, such as the one reached on copyright, remains to be seen. And even that which seems within reach is still uncertain like a remaining building site. Will Brexit happen on 29 March or will the fiasco go into another round? The question will still be unanswered after Carnival or Fasnet (as it is known in Baden). At least that is now almost over. |
The Commission wants to facilitate the scaling up of crowdfunding services in the European internal market. This will be based on a Regulation submitted by the Commission. It forms part of the Commission’s agenda to establish a Capital Markets Union. more |
20 Years of the Euro: Winners and Losers |
20 years after the introduction of the euro, cep has analysed which countries have gained from the euro and which ones have lost out. This involved an analysis of how high the per-capita GDP of a specific eurozone country would have been if the euro had not been introduced. more |
The Sustainability Disclosure Regulation |
The Commission proposes to force financial market participants and financial advisors to disclose to what extent they take environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into account when making investment decisions or providing financial advice. We analyse the Commission‘s proposal and present the negotiating positions of the Council and the European Parliament. more |
Climate Protection Vision 2050 |
The EU Commission has summarised its long-term climate policy targets in a Communication. Under the heading “A Clean Planet for all” it presents its vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy. more |
Credit servicers, credit purchasers and the recovery of collateral |
The EU Commission wants to achieve a reduction in the high stocks of non-performing loans. A Directive on credit servicers, credit purchasers and the recovery of collateral aims to prevent a future increase. more |
“In terms of climate change, phasing out coal is completely irrelevant. If the Federal Government gave up on phasing out coal and simply wiped out the emission allowances, the effect on CO2reduction would be the same.” Prof. Lüder Gerken, cep President |
“Thousands of couples say this sort of thing when they get divorced: ‘we are separating but we will still be friends’. It is usually sincerely meant but it just doesn’t work.” Norbert Lammert, former President of the German Bundestag on Hunt’s comments about the relationship between Britain and the EU after Brexit |
“CO2 emission standards for lorries are too strict. In order to ensure the reliable and effective reduction of CO2 emissions from transport, fuels should be included in an upstream emissions trading system.” Dr. Götz Reichert, cep Division Head, at the German Bundestag’s Hearing of Experts on the new EU Regulation |
“5G would therefore be the right subject to move Europe out of the passenger seat and into the driving seat. Otherwise soon it won’t be just the German milk churn that has connection problems.” Prof. Miriam Meckel, Editor of the magazine WirtschaftsWoche |
The national results from the latest Eurobarometer survey show: 70 percent of Germans believe their vote counts in the EU. In Spring 2016, this figure was only 47%, an increase of 23% has been recorded since then. |