#EUdialogues in Freiburg
At the 1000th Citizens’ Dialogue since 2015, the Freiburg audience did not mince its words. Brexit and the refugee crisis came up for discussion as did the public’s incomprehension at the rampant growth in the EU farming budget. However, it was EU Commission President Juncker’s answer to a question put by a colleague from cep, on Italy’s borrowing proposals that made the headlines the next day. He warned that Italy was pursuing a strategy that “would mean the end of the Euro”. Overshadowed by the debate on Italy, the Greek government’s plans to withdraw the pension reductions that have been agreed with creditors and have already become law, went virtually without comment. Although they confirmed fears that the already low desire for reform shown by the government in Athens had fallen since the end of the aid programme and that it was a good thing that debt relief had been granted subject to conditions. |
CO2 Targets for New Lorries |
In order to reduce CO2 emissions in the road transport sector, CO2 emission targets for lorries are to be introduced for the first time. The EU Commission has therefore submitted a proposal for a Regulation.
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“New Deal” for Consumers – Representative Actions |
A new EU Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers is to replace the existing Directive on injunctive relief. It is supposed to substantially expand the scope of representative actions in consumer law and thereby to promote the enforcement of consumer law whilst at the same time preventing abusive litigation.
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EU Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) |
The responsibilities and powers of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) are to be significantly widened. For this purpose, the EU Commission has proposed a Regulation. In addition to ESMA, this will principally affect investment funds, investment firms, trading venues, data reporting services, benchmark administrators and contributors, issuers and of course investors.
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Marine Pollution from Plastic Products |
The EU wants to help reduce marine pollution caused by plastic products and packaging. For this purpose, the EU Commission has submitted the proposal for a Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. This would affect consumers, manufacturers and traders in single-use plastic products, the catering sector and fisheries. ...read more |
“British politics is like a panic-fuelled mad house at the moment.” Nick Clegg, British Former Deputy Prime Minister, on the impending Brexit deadline |
“I sometimes have the impression that the British think we are the ones leaving Great Britain.” Jean-Claude Juncker, European Commission President, in Freiburg on the Brexit debate |
“The dirigiste proposal for a subsidised nationwide fibre optic network belongs in the shredder.” Prof. Lüder Gerken, President of cep |
“If Greece fails to implement agreed reforms the finance ministers of the eurozone countries can refuse to grant debt relief.” Dr. Matthias Kullas, cep Division Head |
In the coming year, Italy’s government intends to set borrowing at 2.4 percent of economic output. This will further increase Italy’s 2 billion euro debt mountain. It already stands at 130 percent of GDP which, in the eurozone, is second only to Greece. Italy had agreed a 0.8 percent limit on new borrowing with the EU Commission. |