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Newsletter 6 / 2018
Clouds gather over the EU

Things could be so nice: approval ratings for the EU have never been so good. According to the Eurobarometer, more than two-thirds of EU citizens and 75% of Germans believe that their country benefits from EU membership. The extent to which these positive figures are influenced by global challenges and the view that nation states cannot successfully tackle them alone, is hard to say with any certainty. However, approval does not necessarily mean that it’s time for celebration. Spirits have been low at least since US President Trump forced Europe into a trade war. And not all of the storm clouds over the EU have come from abroad. All is not well inside the EU either, with the situation in Italy giving serious cause for concern. We will have to keep a close eye on developments there.
Health Technology Assessment
The EU Commission wants to create joint clinical assessments and harmonised assessment procedures at EU level for innovative health technology in order to remove barriers in the internal market. Thus, redundant duplication of work both in national HTA centres and for developers of health technology can be avoided and costs, currently incurred by developers due to differing national assessment concepts, can be reduced.

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Monitoring Drivers Working Time
By way of a new Directive, the EU Commission wants to improve the working conditions of drivers in the passenger and freight transport sector. It is therefore proposing to extend the current monitoring obligations of Member States to include the drivers’ Working Time Directive.

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Opening Markets for Bus and Coach Services
The EU Commission wants to further deregulate international bus and coach services. In addition, national bus and coach services are to be opened up to foreign competition and inter-urban buses and coaches guaranteed fair access to bus stations.  

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European Monetary Fund
The European Stability Mechanism (ESM) will be transformed into the “European Monetary Fund” (EMF) and incorporated into EU law. In addition, the EU Commission wants to establish a financial backstop for the European Single Resolution Board (SRB) by way of the EMF.

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Posting of Drivers
A new Directive aims to improve the working conditions of posted drivers and ensure fair competition between hauliers. In cep’s view, however, the Directive disproportionately restricts price competition and the freedom to provide services.

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“Let’s rediscover the value of solidarity. We are deceiving the public when we say we can manage without Europe.”
Sergio Mattarella, President of Italy 
“The EU Commission’s proposed ban on single-use plastic products goes much too far.”
Prof. Lüder Gerken, President of cep 
“More than ever before, Europe needs a reliable Italian partner who continues to see its place at the heart of Europe and not in the deceptive security of nationalism.”
Michael Roth, Foreign Office Minister 
“I believe the EU Commission’s plans, to become financially more independent from the Member States by introducing EU taxes, to be futile.”
Dr. Bert Van Roosebeke, Division Head at cep

The USA tops the rankings for largest debtor nations with € 17,531 billion, ahead of Japan, China and Italy. With € 1,964 billion, Germany is at number 7 in the rankings.   
And finally...
Our cepNewsletter is published on the first Thursday of every month.