Brexit was completed at the beginning of 2020 and although the UK authorities have currently granted a transition period for the use of CE marking until December 31, 2022, CETECOM offers full UKCA certification services.
In addition to regulatory testing for UKCA certification, CETECOM now also offers UK Market Conformity Assessment Body (UKMCAB) services.
Where, in the absence of harmonized standards, mandatory third party conformity assessment was required for CE marked goods, it is also required for UKCA marked goods.
This conformity assessment must be carried out by a UK recognized conformity assessment body – a so called UK Market Conformity Assessment Bodies (UKMCAB) in order to be UKCA marked.
CETECOM is now recognized as an official UK Conformity Assessment Body, helping customers to obtain UK market approval where standards are not yet harmonized or where approval by UK self-declaration should not or cannot be carried out.
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