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December 2016 Events at CHAC Gallery
Celebrating Latino / Chicano Arts and Culture Since 1978.
Thank you for supporting the CHAC Gallery & Cultural Center. We have some exciting events coming up this month and can't wait to see you!

CHAC South Presents:

"CHAC 2016 Giving Back Mercado"
December 2nd through December 24th

Local and Global Arts
Created in Peru, Guatemala, Mexico and the USA.

Ethically-produced, Eco-friendly
Affordable Artesania

Giving back to human development and social justice organizations.

Good gifts.  Good giving.

“Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe & The Christmas Mercado”
Annual Show and Sale!
CHAC Gallery Call for Entry 2016
  • Drop off your artwork on Sunday Nov. 27 2016 from noon to 4 P.M. at CHAC Norte Gallery 774 Santa Fe Drive. Unless you have made prior arrangements for early drop off.
  • All mediums are welcome, no limit on size or quantity, within reason.
  • No entry fee for CHAC Members, a donation from our wish list is the entry fee.  Non- members $10 or 3 pieces for $25. We will work with you on small items for a better entry price.
  • Mercado (market) type items such as Santos, prints, small gift type items, jewelry, pottery, photography, sculpture and painting are great!
  • No particular theme…items people will purchase for Christmas!We Welcome Our Lady of Guadalupe art pieces…Large and all sizes!
  • Professionally framed and presentable.CHAC reserves the right to refuse any art for any reason.Show runs till Saturday, December 24, 2016.
  • Pick up is that day starting at noon till 4:00 PM. You make pick up early that week prior if needed. Any items not picked up are subject to $5 per day rental fee.
  • Opening reception December 2, 2016 6-10 PM.
  • Third Friday opening on December 16,  from 5-9 PM.
  • Volunteers needed to help decorate the trees, gallery sit and hang the show any of the above days and during the show
If you have any questions please call Crystal @ 303-571-0440 or email  us at

CHAC Norte Artists for December:

Michael Penny- Myths, symbols, and legends permeate all languages, cultures and lives. The influence mythology has in our most basic traditions can be observed in the language, customs, rituals, values and morals of every culture. One way of understanding a culture is to study the underlying mythological beliefs, the symbols used to represent myths, and understanding the legends of a culture. Such an exploration leads to a greater understanding of the essence of a culture.
 I try to express the myths, symbols, and legends of ancient cultures through my art.


Stevon Lucero  has reached the third and final stage of his life, painting his profound visions with power and beauty.  His prices for the large Metarealism has permanently gone up.  Smaller quick pieces are not only affordable, but priced to sell.  



Daniel Luna- Come join Daniel as he shares his wonderful Imagination through his artistic expression


Lunapparel, LLC

Press Release November 2016
Sat., Dec 10th from Noon – 4pm, Susan M. Luna will show some of her new line of clothing through Lunapparel, LLC at CHAC Gallery 774 Santa Fe, Denver, CO.  There will be food, drinks, and a short fashion show at 1pm.  Vibrant skirts, colorful yoga pants, scarfs and patches will be for sale. Designs created by Susan and Daniel Luna.  Great gifts for the holidays!  Unique wrapping and bags included.
As a young girl, Susan grew-up around artists and athletes: her parents and five older brothers. Father Dan Sr., a talented tennis player, and mother Jessica Luna (Martinez), an established Colorado artist, created a home environment that celebrated the joy of creativity on both the court and the canvas. Susan has begun to capture these positive influences in her life by creating “fashion art” in her new line of Athleisure Wear, using artwork that is culturally unique to the Luna Family. 
“As a strong Latina, I want to wear clothes that make a bold artistic statement on and off the court.”

CHAC Members…It’s Time to Sign up for your
2017 Shows & Rentals!

  • We are making it easy and casual this year!
  • Stop by on Sunday November 27th from noon to 4:00 PM when you drop off your work for the Christmas Mercado to sign up for 2017 shows and rentals!
  • If you know who you want to show with, please bring your complete list of people with you that day!
  • If you are new, or don’t know who you are showing with, we can help you with that as well that day.
  • You may also sign up for CHAC Norte Rentals that day.
  • You may also email Crystal at with your complete list. Please do not forget your phone number, in case we have questions.
  • Remember your membership must be current!
  • Thanks!

"Regresarás - to return"

Holding it all together, 50" x 52" mixed media, Tony Diego

Friday January 6th through January 28th, 

Parental child abduction is one of the most significant and least understood human rights issues and although it is becoming more widespread, it has affected children and families as long as people have been negotiating the intersections of community, culture, nation and state.  Parental child abduction jeopardizes a child’s connection to their left behind family and may result in the fragmentation of culture as well as the loss of language, social connection and community. It violates numerous rights of the child and can cause severe psychological and emotional trauma for both the abducted child and the parent left behind.  The purpose of this art exhibit is to raise public awareness of this issue and to simultaneously stimulate dialogue and healing for affected families.
The artist featured in this exhibit are; Tony Diego, Izzy and Paloma Lozano, Josiah Lopez, Christine O’Dea, Alicia Cardenas, Azul and Sheila Olsen.

You Shop.  Amazon Gives.  Shop Amazon Smile and support CHAC Gallery!

Amazon will now donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Chicano Humanities And Arts Council Inc when you shop at AmazonSmile (

CHAC Gallery Thanks Our Sponsors!
Thank you to our sponsors. Without you we could not serve over 25,000 people yearly!
Copyright © |2016| CHAC Gallery and Cultural Center| All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
*|772/774 Santa Fe Drive Denver, Co 80204|*

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