Yesterday I sent you an email about the importance of making your decisions based on your values and vision. 

This is a huge part of my personal ethos and my "shtick" as a coach. 

And this philosophy is one of the only reasons I've achieved the success I have today. 

But there's another "layer" to this philosophy that makes it much easier to apply... 

...Creating a core set of non-negotiable personal rules that you follow no matter what

I know it sounds paradoxical at first... 

But the #1 fastest way to achieve true freedom and a life of joy, abundance, and opportunity... 

...Is to "chain yourself free" with non-negotiable personal rules that keep you on the right path. 

Your values and vision are the foundation for these rules... 

But they can get a little bit "fuzzy" when it comes to their real-world application. 

For example... 

If you value your health and performance but you also value fun and friendship... 

...It can be hard to decide whether you should go to bed early so you can hit your magic time the next morning... 

...Or go out with a close friend and have a few drinks together. 


If you value your marriage but also value your business and the impact you're making in the world... 

It can be hard to identify the specific boundaries you need to have a "work-life balance" that serves your marriage and your business. 

And that's where personal rules come into play. 

Because these rules take all of the guess work out of the equation. 

Instead of having to weigh your different values in the moment (when temptation is at its highest)...

...You go into every situation knowing exactly what you will and will not tolerate from yourself. 

This is why I have so much respect for people who follow strict diets. 

If the average person is "trying" a new diet and one of their friends tries to guilt them into eating a juicy burger at their monthly cookout... 

...Chances are, they're going to cave in and eat that burger. 

But if a vegetarian is in that same situation... 

...They aren't touching that burger no matter how much guilt or pressure their friend applies. 

Because they have a personal rule that "I don't eat meat" and they stick to it no matter what. 

It seems backwards... 

But these types of clear personal rules make life so much easier and make success all but automatic. 

So today... 

I want you to check out this article I wrote a while back on my personal rules. 

See what resonates with you and what doesn't. 

And then get clear on the rules you're going to set for yourself. 

At first... it'll be a challenge. 

But as time goes on, these rules will make every decision easier and they'll allow you to move toward your big vision with more ease than ever before. 

To Your Success, 

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