2,723 people have taken this course

Our bodies remember every one of our life experiences--joyful experiences like the exhilaration of jumping on the trampoline, or the excitement of a first kiss. However, they also remember the less joyful times - the feeling of being bullied at school, the trauma of a car crash, grief over a death in the family or the loss of a loved one.

Our bodies remember these things because each of us has an energy body or 'aura' interconnected with our physical bodies - a dynamic vibrational matrix containing our mental, emotional, and spiritual histories.

Releasing Old Emotional Baggage

In an ideal world, when trauma or deep feelings affect us, we experience and assimilate those feelings, and then discharge and release the energy. However, often we don't fully accept or deal with our inner responses at the time--sometimes we suppress and block the flow of energy and bury the memory and the feelings. The vibration of the trauma then becomes embedded into our bodies and woven into our muscles, joints, and organs. These blocked feelings of guilt, shame, pain, and fear become the tensions in our bodies, the illnesses and diseases we don't understand.

Releasing blocked energy from our bodies is a vital part of cultivating good health and wellbeing. We might work with therapists or healers, or do whatever inner work we are drawn to do, to understand and process our feelings and experiences. But discharging the holding from our bodies is a vital step in the process that is very often overlooked.

Chakradance is a way of doing this. It's a deeply healing practice for wellbeing. It uses dynamic moving meditations set to music specially created to resonate vibrationally with each of your 7 main chakras - the energy centers that regulate your whole mind-body-spirit energy system.

As you move your chakras, you'll open your body to release the stuck energy that is no longer serving you. There is often a release of emotion that takes place; sometimes there is a memory, an image, or a knowing of some kind that arises at the time. As the old energy is discharged, your body will feel fluid and freer. Each time you release another trapped feeling from your body, you let go of an old pattern and you're freed up to be more present in the moment. And you'll feel more alive than ever before!

Move your Chakras, Change your Life!

Natalie Southgate will explain chakras to you, and will lead you in getting them moving with Chakradance to release old emotional baggage, and restore your whole energy system to vibrant health.

Through a series of 7 lessons for beginners, you'll learn how to:
  • Reconnect with the wisdom of your body and trust your own instincts.
  • Re-ignite your passion, by embracing your sacred feminine energy.
  • Reclaim your personal power, by embodying your sacred masculine energy.
  • Release the hurts you hold in your heart, and open up to forgiveness, compassion and love.
  • Rediscover your creative expression, and find your authentic voice.
  • Reawaken your intuition and imagination and gain heightened insight into your life.
  • Remember your spiritual connection and find a sense of sacredness in your life.
Dance by dance, you'll begin to:
  • Release blocked emotional energy that's been holding you back in your life.
  • Re-tune and re-balance your chakras, restoring your whole energy system to a healthier state of vibrancy and balance.
  • Let go of what no longer serves you, and awaken strengths that have been lying dormant within you. Slowly but surely, you'll start to feel more fully yourself again.
What People Are Saying About This Course

"Natalie offers fascinating insights into the effects of movement on the chakras - and a wonderful experience." - Deepak Chopra (The Chopra Center)

"Thank you, Natalie, for creating the great gift that is Chakradance." - Tami Simon (Sounds True)

"On Chakradance:

I dance the dance and song of love
In harmony with heaven above
That fills my heart, and calms my soul
And makes my very essence whole.

My mind and spirit, they are one
My voice sings out that all is done
To make complete this journey's goal
Connecting body, mind and soul.

My dancing feet with spirit meet
And join the heart's eternal beat
The power of source shines deep and bright
Empowering all in healing light.

This is the dance where night and day
Combine in spectrum's rainbow ray
Expanding deep through all my being
With joy enfolding life and living.

Infinite potential stretching forth
Into the vast expanse of earth
And far beyond the brightest sun
As God and self are joined as one."

- Margaret Morrow

"I've been working with holistic energy modalities for over 6 years now, and I've never before come across anything that brings me to such a state of utter bliss." - Amy

"An amazingly healing journey - this is powerful stuff!" - Monique

"Life has opened up and I feel so much lighter. I feel more like me than I ever have." - Tracey

"Chakradance has literally changed my life, and made it more beautiful!" - Stefanie

"Chakradance is the most gentle (and fun) way of doing inner work I have ever come across!." - Toni

Natalie Southgate

Natalie Southgate trained as an energy-healer and Jungian therapist before creating Chakradance while living in London in 1998. She has been refining and growing it ever since, and has trained many hundreds of accredited Facilitators who are now running Chakradance classes in over 40 countries around the world. Natalie's best-selling book was published by Hay House in October 2018. She has run classes at Deepak Chopra's Center in California, led thousands through Chakradance at Doreen Virtue's Angel Intuitive courses, and runs regular workshops across the world.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 1 week (total of 7 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 7 lessons