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September 25th at 2:00 PM EDT

Attendees of this live webcast may be eligible for CPE credit.

After eight years of submission review, testing, and evaluation, NIST has formally announced the PQC standard specifications, setting in motion the largest cryptographic transition in the history of computing – replacing legacy encryption with PQCs. The multiyear crypto migration is certain to usher in new challenges, uncertainties, and risks.

This panel cast will discuss planning considerations as enterprises ponder and prepare their systems, data, devices, networks, and stakeholders for the quantum era.

Talk Track Question Set:

  • What are these new algorithms and why do they matter?
  • Is the quantum computer really a threat?
  • How will algorithms start to appear in the enterprise? What will the "roll-out" look like?
  • What kind of impact can users expect? Are systems compatible? What will break?
  • What can enterprises do today to minimize this impact?
  • What is the current state of cryptography? What are current cryptography risks?
  • Will these new algorithms remediate all cryptographic deficiencies in the enterprise?
  • What will be the longevity of these algorithms? Can we confidently trust them?
  • How might an enterprise go about becoming truly "crypto-agile?”

About our Speaker: Dr. Vincent Berk is Chief Strategist at Quantum Xchange, a post-quantum, crypto-agility provider. An animated thought leader in cybersecurity, Vince pens the weekly newsletter Interesting Security Reading, contributes regularly to Forbes, and is a familiar face on the public speaking circuit. He holds a PhD in AI/ML and is the former founder and CEO of FlowTraq, acquired by networking vendor Riverbed.
