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Happy Thanksgiving 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US, and Happy Thursday to everyone around the world.

It's a holiday for me and I'm not at work, but relaxing at time. Well, I might work a touch, but mostly I'll be relaxing with family. This is one of the few years we're not skiing for the holiday as there has been far too little snow in Colorado. A disaster, if you ask me.

Today is idealistically a day to give thanks for the good things in our lives. I'm very thankful that my family is all in good health, I have a wonderful job, and there is peace in my world. I hope that many of you can say the same thing yourselves.

I would also ask that you keep in mind there are others in the world that are less fortunate and if you can make a difference that helps another, please make an effort to do so.

Steve Jones from SQLServerCentral.com

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Change the Collation Setting for Clustered SQL Server 2014 Instance

Ganapathi varma Chekuri from SQLServerCentral.com

In this post I will show a procedure to change collation settings of SQL Server 2014 cluster instance. More »


Which Edition of SQL Server is Best for Development Work?

You might think, as a developer, that nothing but the best is good enough as a development database. You might be mistaken. There is a lot to be said for LocalDB, but Ed Elliott argues that every edition has its pros and cons, and you need to consider Cloud-based resources, VMs and Containerised databases too. There is a whole range of alternatives and how you choose depends on the type of database you are developing, but for Ed, LocalDB gets the five-star accolade. More »


From the SQLServerCentral Blogs - Power BI On Premises Integration with Reporting Services Preview

pturley from SQLServerCentral Blogs

Since the Reporting Services product team announced last year that it was their intention to provide an on premises deployment... More »


From the SQLServerCentral Blogs - Two Weeks to Live! 360 and VSLive Orlando

Steve Jones from SQLServerCentral Blogs

A short break in speaking, as I haven’t been on stage since Oct 11. Now it’s two weeks to Live! 360... More »

Question of the Day

Today's Question (by Steve Jones):

I want to find out today's day of the year for Thanksgiving. Which of these queries will work consistently on every Thanksgiving?

 -- 1 WITH tally AS ( SELECT n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (0)) a(n) , (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (0)) b(n) , (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (0)) c(n) ) SELECT n FROM tally WHERE DATEADD(DAY, n-1, DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF( YEAR, 0, SYSDATETIME()), 0)) = DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, SYSDATETIME()), 0); -- 2 SELECT DATEPART(DAYOFYEAR, SYSDATETIME()); -- 3 WITH tally AS ( SELECT n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (0)) a(n) , (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (0)) b(n) , (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (0)) c(n) ) SELECT DATEADD(DAY, n-1, DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF( YEAR, 0, SYSDATETIME()), 0)) FROM tally; -- 4 SELECT DATEDIFF( DAY, '20160101', SYSDATETIME()); 

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Securing SQL Server - Written by Denny Cherry, a Microsoft MVP for the SQL Server product, a Microsoft Certified Master for SQL Server 2008, and one of the biggest names in SQL Server today, Securing SQL Server, Second Edition explores the potential attack vectors someone can use to break into your SQL Server database as well as how to protect your database from these attacks. In this book, you will learn how to properly secure your database from both internal and external threats using best practices and specific tricks the author uses in his role as an independent consultant while working on some of the largest and most complex SQL Server installations in the world. This edition includes new chapters on Analysis Services, Reporting Services, and Storage Area Network Security.

Get your copy from Amazon today.

Yesterday's Question of the Day

Yesterday's Question (by Steve Jones):

What can I not do with the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command?

Answer: Start a backup on another node


You can do many things with the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command, but you cannot kick off a backup.

Ref: ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff878601.aspx

» Discuss this question and answer on the forums

Featured Script

Calculate Holidays


Calculate Thanksgiving, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, and Labor Day out to 2050 by only passing in year as integer.

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SQL Server 2014 : Development - SQL Server 2014

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