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CBD oil
Update: changes for hemp on the horizon

The Senate Farm Bill just passed–and it contains all of the Hemp Farming Act, including the permanent legalization of hemp and products such as hemp-derived CBD. A House/Senate conference committee will soon meet to resolve the differences between the Senate Farm Bill and the House Farm Bill, the latter which includes no hemp language.

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Hemp opportunity cropping up everywhere

If there’s one word to describe hemp in America today, it’s disruption.

By spurring change on the farm, in the natural products industry and in the minds of consumers, hemp is reinvigorating entire economies and spawning research that can impact farming for generations to come. It’s at the center of major legislation, as well as a booming supplement industry for hemp extracts high in cannabidiol (CBD).

Many think it holds the key for a renaissance in American agriculture, particularly among the next generation of farmers. But it’s not without challenges. In order to understand the potential future impact of this crop, it’s critical to also understand its rich history.

In this guide you'll learn about legislative hurdles and victories, research shaping farming practices and economic opportunities for brands and retailers.

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