Dear Voornaam,

Each year, we review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service to make sure they clearly explain how our services work. This year, we saw opportunities to update our Privacy Policy to make it easier to read, and better describe how BrainHQ works.

Here’s a summary of the key changes:
  • We added information related to our Cookie Policy.
  • We clarified how single-sign on works if you use this option to log into BrainHQ.
  • We clarified how we contact you to provide help with BrainHQ.
  • We updated language about features in BrainHQ that let you invite a friend to use BrainHQ. 
Please take a look at the full Privacy Policy, which will go into effect on January 31st, 2023 for existing BrainHQ users. By continuing to use BrainHQ after January 31st, including our website and mobile apps, you’re agreeing to the updated Privacy Policy.

Happy brain training!
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