TODAY'S TOP STORIES - August 14, 2017

Charlottesville Is Just More Evidence America Was Born and Raised on Racism and Violence

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Racist violence is as American as apple pie. READ MORE»

‘Radical Ideas on Race’: History Teacher of Charlottesville Driver Describes Ex-Student’s ‘Infatuation’ with Nazis

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

“He was very infatuated with...Adolf Hitler." READ MORE»

After Charlottesville, a Surge in Anti-Racism Rallies Across the Country

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

The resistance did what the president would not.  READ MORE»

Seven Ways that Teachers Can Respond to the Evil of Charlottesville, Starting Now

By Xian Franzinger Barrett, AlterNet

An educator confronts the failures of an education system that breeds white supremacy, and offers concrete tips for teachers who seek to challenge it.  READ MORE»

A Working-Class Strategy for Defeating White Supremacy

By Gabriel Kristal, In These Times

People often only make the effort to challenge their prejudices when they are engaged in struggle with others. READ MORE»

Charlottesville Goddamn

By Michael Winship,

Trump’s refusal to condemn his backing from white supremacists is appalling. READ MORE»

Democrats’ 'Better Deal' Is a Bum Deal for Progressives—and Won’t Win Elections

By Christopher Sebastian Parker, Salon

Do Democrats really believe that chasing Trump voters while alienating people of color will win elections?  READ MORE»

Nuke Threats Prove Trump's Unfitness to Govern

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

It’s time for Congress to prove its loyalty lies with the American people. READ MORE»

How We Got from George W. Bush to Donald Trump: Liberals had More to Do With It than We’d Like to Think

By Anis Shivani, Salon

History may view the Obama presidency as a brief (and failed) neoliberal interlude on the road to American fascism. READ MORE»

‘He Totally Wants to Be a Dictator’: Bill Maher Warns CNN Host that Trump Won’t Relinquish Power Easily

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

"Real Time” host Bill Maher tore into President Donald Trump. READ MORE»

Is Jeff Sessions’ Objection to Marijuana Racially Motivated?

By Ryan Jennemann, Newsweek

Cannabis is not dangerous and it is not a public health or safety threat.  READ MORE»

Conspiracies Pushed by Atlantic's Editor Excluded From Atlantic's Denunciation of Conspiracy Theories

By Adam Johnson, FAIR

Corporate media lets itself off the hook again. READ MORE»

New Study Shows What We Already Learned the Hard Way: Stop Overfunding The Military

By Nick Turse, TomDispatch

More money and more weapons don't equal more success for the Pentagon.  READ MORE»

How Air Conditioning Is a Hidden and Major Class Divide in America

By Sarah Anderson, OtherWords

Most Americans now have A/C at home, but not work. READ MORE»

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