Dear SmartTrader, 

Earlier today I told you about CashFlow Covered Calls

Today, at 4 PM EST, I’ll be going live with the first group of Charter Members to CashFlow Covered Calls

On this call I’ll dig deep into the strategy behind wins like…

  • 473% Annualized Return on Risk
  • 685% Annualized Return on Risk
  • 1,089% Annualized Return on Risk
  • And a Whopping 2,316% Annualized Return on Risk

You’ll never see wins like this with a conventional covered call strategy. 

Conventional covered call strategies have ridiculous risks associated with them, and are incredibly inefficient. 

You wouldn’t catch me dead trading a conventional covered call strategy.  


And you’ll understand why when you watch this video and become a charter member. 

Watch this video now.

This is available for a LIMITED TIME.

Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy.

Ryan Jones
Founder, SmartTrading