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Why Not Get a Demo This Harvest?

With the harvest dragging on this year due to bad weather in Ireland, the harvest could be longer that first thought. Due to this reoccurring trend over recent years, we think it is more important than ever to get your harvest out of the way as quick as possible. That's where the Cross Chaser Bin comes in. A Cross Chaser bin will speed up your harvest by the same time value as another 1/3 of a combine harvester being in the field. The Cross chaser bin is not just for loading trucks. A lot of farms use it to load tractor trailers where trailer side filling is not possible or ground conditions wont let trailers enter the field on small wheels. The Cross Chaser Bin allows the combine to never stop moving.
Why not get a demo to test it on your system?

Click here to request a demo
Click here to request a demo
Check Out The Video Below
Cross 46 Chaser Bin in action !
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