April 22, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

We wave away another whirlwind week, wagging our tails as we go... but what might we have missed in the week that was?  We'll catch you up...

AI was the order of the day in teaser land, with Enrique Abeyta pitching his "#1 ChatGPT Stock," so we looked into that... just click below to...

Dear Reader,

Seven Years.

That's how long this reclusive millionaire has been using his secret trading strategy.

And despite all the volatility and uncertainty of the last few years...

...he still hasn't closed a losing trade since July of 2016.

Winner after winner, over and over again.

Finding this level of consistency anywhere in the market seems near impossible.

Yet he just plugs away, executing what may be the most effective investment strategy on Earth.

Want to see the details?

I've cornered the man behind this secret and got him to reveal on camera exactly how he has done it.

This is the can't-miss interview you need to see to believe.

It could change your trading life for years to come.

Click HERE to watch it for yourself.


And then Abeyta's colleague, Whitney Tilson, got on board the AI train, too, teasing one favorite pick plus three "platform" comapnies in artificial inteligence -- we uncovered those here.

Gold is also on a lot of minds this week, leading us to re-share the solution to Stansberry's long-running "#1 Gold Play" pitch.

But we started out the week with a spiel from the Motley Fool about an insider betting $13 million on one stock.

And we ended it with the Friday File, which included yours truly finally selling a damaged bird... and buying a dinosaur... details below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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