In this issue, December 20, 2022 View it in your browser.

ChatGPT, Consul K8s Sidecars, Platform Engineering, AWS Application Composer, Cloud Native Microservices, Java Trends, .NET Community Toolkit, Vite 4, Swift Foundation Rewrite, Netflix GraphQL, Change Mindset, Community Engagement

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Cockroach Labs

Make your database faster

ORMs are great. But interacting directly with the database enables performance-improving optimizations. Learn how to unlock more of your database's power with a free course for Node.js devs.

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Java InfoQ Trends Report - December 2022

This report provides a summary of how the InfoQ Java editorial team and several Java Champions currently see the adoption of technology and emerging trends within the Java and JVM space in 2022. We focus on Java the language, as well as related languages like Kotlin and Scala, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and Java-based frameworks and utilities. (Trends Report)

InfoQ Software Architecture & Design Trends 2022

Each year, InfoQ editors discuss what we’ve been observing across the entire software development landscape, and create several trends reports, each with its own graph of the adoption curve. This helps the editorial team focus its reporting on innovative technologies and ideas, and also provides our readers with a high-level overview of topics to keep an eye on. (Podcast)

Stop Having Meetings that Suck - Patricia Kong on Why Facilitation Should be a Core Competency

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Patricia Kong of about the importance and value of facilitation skills for collaborative teams. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Wayve's End-to-End Deep Learning Model for Self-Driving Cars

  2. Meta MultiRay Allows Efficiency on Large-Scale AI Models

OpenAI Releases Conversational AI Model ChatGPT

OpenAI released ChatGPT, a conversational AI model based on their GPT-3.5 language model (LM). ChatGPT is fine-tuned using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) and includes a moderation filter to block inappropriate interactions. (News)



9 Best Practices for Release Management

Learn about common release management feature flag use cases and how to deploy release management feature flags using Ring and Percentage deployment. You'll also learn about release management best practices across the software development lifecycle. Download Now.

Sponsored by LaunchDarkly


  1. HashiCorp Consul Introduces New Sidecar Model for Kubernetes Deployments

  2. GitLab Releases Single-Tenant SaaS Offering for Strict Security and Compliance

  3. GitLab Adopts CLI Project to Bring GitLab to the Terminal

Platform Engineering Needs a Prescriptive Roadmap: a Conversation with Nigel Kersten

Nigel Kersten feels that it is time for a prescriptive roadmap for how to adopt and implement platform engineering. A lack of definition for DevOps enabled early adopters but didn't allow late-majority enterprises to be successful in their adoption of DevOps. The platform engineering community is in danger of repeating this mistake. (Article)


Monte Carlo

Free O'Reilly Book: Data Quality Fundamentals

Download this eBook to learn how data engineers and analysts can architect more reliable data ecosystems, from ingestion in the warehouse or lake to the analytics layer downstream. Discover what it takes to identify, alert for, resolve, and prevent data quality issues in a holistic and end-to-end way across your stack. Download Now.

Sponsored by Monte Carlo


  1. AWS Previews VPC Lattice for Service-to-Service Communication

  2. AWS Previews Application Composer to Visualize and Create Serverless Workloads

  3. AWS Announces Clean Rooms for Secure Collaboration with Analytics Data

  4. Improved Supply Chain Visibility and Actionable Insights with AWS Supply Chain

Pump It Up! Actually Gaining Benefit from Cloud Native Microservices

Sam Newman looks at what’s needed to get the most out of a move to a cloud native mindset. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.


  1. Spring for Apache Kafka 3.0 and Spring for RabbitMQ 3.0 Released

  2. WildFly 27 Delivers Support for JDK 17 and Jakarta EE 10

Java News Roundup: JDK 20 in Rampdown, JDK 21 Expert Group, Apache Tomcat, JakartaOne

This week's Java roundup for December 5th, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20 in Rampdown Phase One, formation of the JDK 21 expert group, point and milestone releases of: Spring Shell, Spring Tools, Quarkus, Open Liberty, GraalVM Native Build Tools, Apache Tomcat, Hibernate ORM, Eclipse Vert.x, Resilience4j, JDKMon and Ktor; and JakartaOne Livestream 2022. (News)



SQL to NoSQL: Architectural Differences

Read this paper to understand SQL to NoSQL architectural differences, the tradeoffs between flexibility, scale, and cost, and considerations for successful SQL to NoSQL migrations. Download now.

Sponsored by ScyllaDB


  1. What's New in .NET Community Toolkit v8.1.0 Preview 1

Moving to .NET 7 MSMQ Alternatives

No MSMQ support is available in the new versions of .NET; if it’s time to move, this article presents a few considerations on what that transition can look like. It will explore some of the available options. By the end, you should see that even though it may be tough, there is a pathway forward. (Article)

Vite 4 Released, Replaces Babel with Faster Rust-Based SWC

The team behind the Vite frontend build tool recently released Vite 4.0, 5 months after Vite 3.0. The new version is motivated by the breaking upgrade from Rollup 2.0 to 3.0. Vite 4.0 also adds support for SWC, a Rust-based bundler that claims order-or-magnitude speed improvement over Babel. (News)



Best practices for securing workloads on AWS

Ever wondered how you could build applications across your AWS application stack rapidly and securely? Check out the 5 Best Practices for Securing Workloads on AWS and get useful insights on how to detect and remediate security vulnerabilities early on.

Sponsored by Snyk


  1. AirBnb Animation Engine Lottie Improves Performance by Adopting Core Animation

Apple Announces Full Swift Rewrite of the Foundation Framework

The Swift team has started to work on a new open-source implementation of the Foundation framework. To be written entirely in Swift, the new Foundation aims to improve performance by getting rid of conversion costs between Objective-C and Swift as well as to provide the opportunity for modularizing and clean it up. (News)

An Observable Service with No Logs

Glen Mailer discusses building and using event tracing to monitor a system. (Presentation with transcript included)

Scaling GraphQL Adoption at Netflix

Tejas Shikhare discusses how Netflix migrated to GraphQL and some of the problems they had to solve scaling it. (Presentation with transcript included)



Success in the Cloud: How to Avoid Kubernetes Deployment Pitfalls

Leading D2iQ Kubernetes experts show you how to avoid the most serious deployment pitfalls in this new on-demand webinar. Learn more.

Sponsored by D2iQ

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Testing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

The Most Common Developer Challenges That Prevent a Change Mindset—and How to Tackle Them

Software engineers are feeling burnt out, and this is directly affecting their productivity and ability to learn new skills. But in today’s ever-growing digital world, developers must be on top of new technologies and tools. Team leaders, therefore, need to cultivate a change mindset by adopting a business-impact-first approach and learning from startup environments, among other tips. (Article)

Software Testing through the Lens of Energy Management

I’m a software tester who observed that certain activities were getting me excited, while other simpler, shorter activities were draining and took a lot longer to get me motivated enough to even pick them up . This article is an experience report of how I discovered my personal energy system and  superimposed it on a video game model, which also applies to the world of software testing. (Article)

How Community Engagement Can Boost Your Staff-Plus Career

Eder Ignatowicz discusses becoming a successful staff-plus engineer. (Presentation with transcript included)

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