In this issue, January 31, 2023 View it in your browser.

ChatGPT Training, Platform Engineering, Programmable Observability, Cloud Reliability, HC-tree, Optimizing WebAssembly, Kubernetes Java Client, Android Memory Leaks, Ivory Tower Architects, Finding Bugs

QCon London & QCon New York in-person early bird discounts expire Feb 6th.

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QCon London (March 27-29)
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💡 What's Identity-Native Infrastructure Access?

Unlock all Teleport Connect sessions to learn about infrastructure access from DoorDash, Dropbox, Discord, Vonage, and others when you RSVP for the Feb 9th event. Register now.

Sponsored by Teleport

Delivering Great Software and Building Great Teams at CircleCI

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Rob Zuber, CTO of Circle CI, about what it takes to build and deliver great software and build great teams. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Microsoft Unveils VALL-E, A Game-Changing TTS Language Model

  2. AI Developers Release Open-Source Implementations of ChatGPT Training Algorithm

  3. Doordash Introduces ML to Understand the Marketplaces Status

Design Pattern Proposal for Autoscaling Stateful Systems

In this article, Rogerio Robetti discusses the challenges in auto-scaling stateful storage systems and proposes an opinionated design solution to automatically scale up (vertical) and scale out (horizontal) from a single node up to several nodes in a cluster with minimum configuration and interference of the operator. (Article)

Resilient Real-time Data Streaming Across the Edge and Hybrid Cloud

Kai Waehner explores different architectures and their trade-offs for transactional and analytical workloads. Real-world examples include financial services, retail, and the automotive industry. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.



Snyk Top 10 Vulnerabilities Report

You might know all about the incredibly useful and insightful OWASP Top 10 list from 2021, but what about the exact CVEs that could be lurking in your applications? Check out Snyk Top 10 Open Source Vulnerability report to get up to date on 2022's most common vulnerabilities.

Sponsored by Snyk


  1. GCP Adds Simplified Operator for Connecting Google Kubernetes Engine to Cloud SQL

  2. How Palo Alto Approaches Platform Engineering

  3. Kubernetes Report Finds Increase in Poorly Configured Workloads

Platform Engineering 101: What You Need to Know About This Hot New Trend

Platform engineering is a current hot topic with a rapidly growing tooling ecosystem and landscape. This article reviews many of the important trends in Platform Engineering. (Article)

Observability Is Also Programmed

Yury Niño Roa discusses a new methodology to adopt [OaC] in companies according to their size, talking about the current observability landscape and how companies can adopt this as a practice. (Presentation with transcript included)



Design Patterns for Distributed Streaming Data Environments

Explore widely used patterns in distributed streaming data environments for several use cases such as high availability, disaster recovery, hybrid integration, cloud migration and global analytics. We will discuss each pattern while using Redpanda as a reference and highlighting its architecture and capabilities. Live Webinar, February 9th, 2023 - Save your Seat.

Sponsored by Redpanda


  1. AWS Lambda Now Supports Maximum Concurrency for SQS as Event Source

  2. Log Analytics Feature in Cloud Logging Now Generally Available

Google Delivers Comprehensive Cloud Infrastructure Reliability Guide

Google recently delivered a cloud infrastructure reliability guide combining best practices and expertise from its engineers for its customers. (News)


  1. HC-tree is a High-Concurrency Backend for SQLite Supporting Replication

  2. Chromium to Allow the Use of Third-Party Rust Libraries to Improve Safety and Security

The Six Ways of Optimizing WebAssembly

While Wasm was originally designed for the browser, it turned out to be useful for embedded programming, plugins, cloud, and edge computing. For all these use cases, performance is tremendously important and is greatly impacted by file size. In this article, we’ll look at six ways to optimize Wasm for performance and file size. (Article)


  1. Kubernetes Java Client 17.0 Provides Support for Kubernetes 1.25

  2. Java News Roundup: Payara Platform, Liberica JDK Updates, JobRunr 6.0 Milestones

Java Flight Recorder as an Observability Tool

Ben Evans explains recent developments with JFR, and discusses how tooling based on JFR fits into the growing field known as Observability and some of the ongoing F/OSS work in this space. (Presentation with transcript included)

How Lyft Detects Android Memory Leaks in Production

While modern tooling for Android and iOS enable memory leak detection using local builds, this is not enough to guarantee an app shows correct memory behavior in production, where it runs on a wide range of devices in diverse conditions. For this reason, Lyft engineers combine A/B testing and memory observability to detect which features leak memory. (News)

Avoid Being an "Ivory Tower" Architect: the Relationship between Architects and Their Organisation

In a recently published episode of Armchair Architects, the speakers discussed the relationship between software architects and the rest of the organisation. They detail how a successful architect can impact others by switching between going into the trenches and zooming into a tree and then being able to zoom out and estimate if that tree still fits into the forest. (News)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How to Assess Software Quality

How to Use Your Existing Software Development Process Data to Find More Bugs in Less Time

This article presents better solutions that employ data from the system under test and the tests themselves to optimize testing efforts. This allows teams to find more bugs (by making sure that bug-dense areas are tested) in less time (by reducing the executions of tests that are very unlikely to detect bugs). (Article)

Software Testing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Trends in 2023

Technology has taken significant leaps within the last few years, introducing advancements that have taken us further into the digital age — impacting the software testing industry and we're seeing advances in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the neural networks making them possible. These new technologies will change how software is developed and tested like never before. (Article)

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[Gartner Report] How to Run Containers and Kubernetes in Production

2023 Data Engineering Trends & Predictions