Southern Sierran Newsletter - May 2019
Sierra Club Angeles Chapter and Central Group hosted the 2nd annual Earth Day Zero Waste Fair on April 13th at Grand Park in Downtown Los Angeles.

The family-friendly event featured a wide range of environmental groups and diverse interests that included plastic pollution education, climate change, clothes swap, clothes upcycling, “ugly” produce delivery, and urban composting.

At the Sierra Club booth, guests were encouraged to fill out a postcard (made from recycled paper) stating an action they would take in the next 30 days to reduce their carbon footprint. 

With the ever-growing plastic pollution problem, this was a great opportunity to raise awareness of the issue, educate guests on how they can make sustainable choices for immediate impact in their own lives, and introduce the work of the Sierra Club as well as other organizations and vendors that are active in mitigating the effects of plastic waste and other environmental issues.
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Athens Services Workers Deserve Justice

Unfortunately, one of the waste haulers, Athens Services, is the subject of a recent complaint from the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, which alleges that Athens Services has committed violations of federal labor law, including worker intimidation, harassment, and retaliatory firing.    

Sanitation workers from Athens Services, who pick up trash under the City's recycLA program help keep our streets clean and are on the front line of helping us meet our City’s and State’s ambitious environmental goals.

How You Can Help:
If you live, work, or attend a congregation in the City of LA, and believe that any worker who picks up trash in Los Angeles should be able to have a decent living and
the ability to provide for their families, please show your support by signing this petition.
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Little City Thinks Big: Santa Monica’s Vision for the Environment Pays Off

Last September, California’s reaction to the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement was Senate Bill 100 (SB100). This bill states that it is the policy of the state that eligible renewable energy resources and zero-carbon resources supply 100% of retail sales of electricity to California end-use costumers and 100%of electricity procured to serve all state agencies by December 31, 2045.

The Sierra Club is turning this vision into reality using its Clean Break Team, Climate Action Team, and Environmental Justice Committee

Backed and empowered by our Ready For 100 campaign, Californians are acting on clean air initiatives, too. In fact, on February 1st, the City of Santa Monica rolled out a 100% clean energy option in close partnership with Southern California’s Clean Power Alliance for its electric power customers.

If Santa Monica, with a population of just over 92,000, can have far-reaching vision and take action to ensure sustainable beaches, water, and air, other cities can do the same.
How has Santa Monica, which is just 8.3 square miles, become such a leader in environmental action?
Find Out

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New Staff Announcement

The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter welcomes Magda Mendez as the new Communications Coordinator. She will be focusing on communications and marketing efforts, as well as media relations to help increase the capacity of the Chapter.

Originally from Mexico City and having lived abroad for 6 years, she is fully fluent in English and Spanish. Her experience includes event planning, outreach, project management, public relations, marketing and communications. 

Contact information for Magda is now available on the Chapter Staff webpage.

California Sellers of Travel # CST 2087766-40  
Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.
OCT. 2 - 13, 2019

Join us for a 12 day, 11 night tour of the mysterious Kingdom of Bhutan with an additional 3 nights in Bangkok.
RSVP & Details
NOV. 15 - 23, 2019

Join us for an 8-day cruise aboard the Royal Caribbean. Travel to Havana, Santiago de Cuba and the “Pearl of the South” in Cienfuegos.   
RSVP & Details

HPS Annual Spring Fling at Keller Ski Hut. May 4-5, 2019
Across from Snow Valley Ski Resort. Location: In a rocky, forested area in the San Bernardino Mountains. RSVP & Details

Island Hopping in Channel Islands National Park. May 5 - 7, 2019
Join us for an extraordinary three day, three-island tour of California's enchanting Channel Islands on this live-aboard cruise. RSVP & Details

Can the San Gabriel Mts. Survive the Next 100 Years? May 22, 2019
Millions of people visit the steep and awe-inspiring San Gabriel Mountains National Monument and the Angeles National Forest each year, and millions now live in its foothills and canyons. RSVP & Details

Program: What is Environmental Geology and Why Your Life Depends Upon It. Jun 22, 2019
 In modern society, an increasing number of geologists are engaged in the practice of environmental geology. RSVP & Details

Harwood Lodge Fall Festival. ​September 21 - 22, 2019
Enjoy clear mountain air, hiking, music, relaxation, blue skies and beautiful mountain views and celebrate the beginning of Fall at Harwood Lodge. RSVP & Details

Looking for more adventures, outings and events? Check out our Schedule of Activities for the full list.
Donate Your Vehicle Online or call us at 844-6-SIERRA or 844-674-3772 . Specify that you support the Angeles Chapter. We will tow your vehicle at no cost to you. Get a tax-deductible receipt and help our cause. We accept all types of vehicles.

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