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Daily Press

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March 5, 2018


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Monday, Mar 5


Christian, Niles fight back challengers for One City Marathon wins

One City Marathon race is expected to be competitive

Scenes from the One City Marathon course

A look at some of the people who competed in and supported the One City Marathon.

Planned Tech Center tenant intends to hire 150 workers

The Newport News Tech Center Research Park's first building is under construction and is expected to host a medical device company that is growing with plans to hire 150 workers over four years, the company leader said.

Most 2017 homicides still unsolved in Hampton, Newport News

Of Hampton’s 18 homicides, only four — or 22 percent of the total — have been cleared by arrests, with none cleared for other reasons. Of Newport News’s 24 slayings, eight of them — or 33 percent — have been cleared, seven of them by arrest and one ruled justified.

Hampton History Museum wants to hear ideas for Air Power Park

Hampton History Museum will host a public input session March 29 to hear what people would like to see happen at Air Power Park in Hampton. The museum runs programming for the roadside attraction on Mercury Boulevard.